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This page has content we’ve developed for the strategy, reports we’ve commissioned to support strategy development, and information we’ve used in developing the strategy to date.

Coastal Hazards Mapping

  • Behind the Strategy development is coastal erosion and coastal inundation mapping developed by Tonkin+Taylor. Maps can be accessed here: Hazard portal

Key Strategy development reports

Joint Committee reports

The agenda papers and minutes from the Joint Hawke’s Bay Coastal Hazards Committee meetings are available on the Regional Council website.

The remaining 2023 Joint Committee meetings are:

  • Friday 22 September, 10am at the Council Chamber at Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (159 Dalton Street, Napier)
  • Friday 10 November, 10am at the Council Chamber at Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (159 Dalton Street, Napier)

Relevant local, national, and international links to information:

Community fact sheets

 Community event posters

Northern cells community posters

Southern cells community posters

The Northern and Southern Assessment Cell Evaluation Panels were formed to complete Stage 3 of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120.

Formed by community, mana whenua, business and government representatives, the Assessment Panels commenced their work on 31 January 2017. Their task was to consider what we now know about coastal hazards risks, and through a facilitated process develop informed recommendations to the Joint Committee on responses to those risks

Their report presents their evaluation process and recommendations, and is structured into four parts:

  • Part A: Overview:
  • Provides background material relevant to the work of the Assessment Panels.
  • Part B: Assessment Panel Recommendations:
  • Presents the recommendations of the Assessment Panels.
  • Part C: Assessment Panel Process:
  • Details the process the Assessment Panels undertook to develop their recommendations
  • Part D: Appendices:
  • Provides links to access supporting reports and Assessment Panel outputs

The report and appendices are available for download from the following links

Part A – C (Main Report)
Report of The Northern and Southern Cell Assessment Panels
Part D: Appendices (Supporting Reports and Assessment Panel Outputs)
Appendix 1 Panel Membership List
Appendix 2 Assessment Panels Terms of Reference
Appendix 3 Northern Cell Assessment Panel Workshop Minutes:
Appendix 4 Southern Cell Assessment Panel Workshop Minutes:
Appendix 5 Supplementary Workshop – 27 April 2017
Appendix 6  Feedback from Public Discussion Sessions
Appendix 7 Cultural Values Report - Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120
Appendix 8 Social Impact Assessment and Valuation Report: Cape Coast Area
Appendix 9 Social Impact Assessment and Valuation Report: East Clive Area
Appendix 10 Social Impact Assessment and Valuation Report: Ahuriri/Pandora, Westshore, Bayview and Whirinaki
Appendix 11 Real Options Analysis of Strategies to Manage Coastal Hazard Risks: Northern Units B-E
Appendix 12 Real Options Analysis of Strategies to Manage Coastal Hazard Risks: Southern Units J-L
Appendix 13 Northern Cell Final Pathways (one-page summaries)
Appendix 14 Southern Cell Final Pathways (one-page summaries)
Appendix 15 MCDA Scoring Matrix – Northern Cell Priority Units
Appendix 16 MCDA Scoring Matrix – Southern Cell Priority Units

Community survey March 2022

Thank you to everyone who filled in the HB Coast survey in March.
We had 81 respondents, 49 of who lived within two blocks of the coast.

Key results of the survey showed us:

  • 70% were concerned about coastal hazards, with the biggest concerns around climate change, rising sea levels, erosion, and human intervention
  • 27% had personally or known someone who had experienced loss or damage through coastal hazards
  • There was a desire to see more action taken, more hard engineering solutions, more engagement with the community, and a greater focus on biodiversity
  • There was a desire to see less gravel along Westshore, less subdivision, less erosion and damage to homes, and fewer hard engineering solutions
  • 78% supported the proposal for the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council to lead this work into the future, with 6% strongly opposed
  • The community would like more options for in-person and digital engagement, conversations with a broader range of the community, follow up on feedback and council taking on feedback

HB Coast - Copyright © 2024 HB Coast

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